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By Ofer Lidsky – December 2020

In 1949, the scientist Donald Heb (HEBB) published a groundbreaking book that would change our understanding of how the brain learns and develops. The book Organization of Behavior presents us with a clear theory that explains how the brain learns and how it is expressed at the level of neurons. [1,2]

Heb is considered one of the leading and groundbreaking neuroscientists in the world.

Heb’s theory holds that if neuron A is close enough to neuron B to actuate it (transmit a signal strong enough to cause neuron B to launch a signal itself), an electrochemical bond is formed between them. If the process of activation is repeated, then the connection between the neurons will be strengthened and the signal will pass more smoothly. That is, repetition of the same action of the neuron strengthens the connections between the neurons, which is basically the way the brain learns.

The famous phrase enacted to sum up this phenomenon is: Neurons that fire together – wire together. [1]

In fact, studies in recent years have found evidence that the process of strengthening the connections between neurons takes place in certain areas of dendrites, something that was not known until recently. [3]

From this theory, we learn that repetition of a particular action causes the assimilation of the action. For example, in driving lessons we repeat the various actions required to drive multiple times until the ability to drive begins to be assimilated into our brain and even becomes part of our subconscious.

The Neurofeedback (NF) method of training relies precisely on this principle of repetitiveness in reaching and maintaining certain frequencies of the brain. In attention-grabbing neurofeedback training we want the trainee to bring his brain frequencies to the correct frequencies that represent peak attention and focus, and repeat the action multiple times in order to assimilate it. [4]

An excellent brain training platform has been developed precisely to make effective neurofeedback brain training accessible. Through an in-house assessment of an excellent brain, it is possible to train attention at home independently using the neurofeedback method.